Friday, 7 September 2018

Life Lessons from Candy Crush

You may have clicked the link thinking, "Come on Mwape! Why do you always have to be so deep? Candy Crush is JUST a GAME. Why do you have to mess it up for us by coming up with life lessons from a game?" 

The simple answer is, I couldn’t help it. For those who know me, I’m such a deep thinker. I’m so reflective. When I see an apple, I’m not just seeing an apple. Everything makes me think deeper. It is often a good thing, because I take so much from the simplest of things. SO, let’s cut down to the chase: 

1. Daily Treats are a Much-Needed Boost

The daily treats were a much-needed innovation. They really change lives (pun intended). The lollipop and the hand are my favourite. Interesting enough, God has given us a daily treat to help us through every single day we wake up; His word. Don’t forget to read through his word daily, it is all the boost you need to get you through whatever the day will unfold.

     2.  Winning Streaks May Lead to Pride

I don’t know about you but every time I have a winning streak, I get so excited that I play the 6th level in a row without looking at the corner that shows what is required of me. It is normally after playing about 10 moves that I realise I haven’t won yet and I’m like wait! Hold up! What am I supposed to be doing again? Oh, it's fruit I'm supposed to be collecting!
The first time this happened, it instantly reminded me of my attitude during my “winning” seasons in life. I get so much confidence in my own abilities that I forget that I need to always remember to check what is required of me. I’m on such a hype that I forget that I need to remember what I am supposed to be doing, remember to read my word in order to know how to live and remember that I need God because it is actually not my abilities that saw me through all the victories whether great or small, it was his grace.  

     3. Bad games remind you to Plan and Strategise

On the other hand, when I lose, I’m instantly taken back to playing with a plan and strategy. What does it look like? Looking at the number of moves you have, how much time you have, how many fruits you need to collect, how you can collect the boosters to help you in your crisis etc. Sometimes it even means pausing for a moment and just staring at your screen for a few minutes in order to see the bigger picture. 

I find life to be like that too. The bad grades in school push us to pray harder, get help from the ones who thrive in class, see our lecturers and be intentional about our studies. The days we hear of the passing away of others remind us to number our days right that we may gain a heart of wisdom. The bad relationship days push us to get back to the drawing board and look to God's word as well as the counsel of others. 
When you really think about it, perhaps bad days are not all so bad if they bring us closer to God.

      4. Friends are a blessing

Y’all! Those times when you are in the zone and you feel the win coming with each time you try and then BAM!

It boils down to three options. You stop playing; we all know that that is out of the question, I mean come on, you can feel the win coming and you’re not a quitter. Buying lives? You love candy crush, but not that much. OR asking your friends to send you lives. 

Before you know it, the loyal ones have come through.
Life, is like that too, when we are in a crisis, there are those friends who we know we can count on, they hold us down, have our backs and they just always come through. Such a blessing. 

 5. Consult those who have “graduated”

Let me not even talk about those levels that just don’t make sense! Those levels where you have 6 moves to work a miracle. You know you are not Moses and your stick will not part this sea- you lose. You have tried and tried to make it work but it is just not adding up.
You finally do what you knew you should have done all along: YouTube!

And then you realise you wasted your time because it is actually nothing fancy but luck

The point is, when you feel stuck and do not know what to do, remember that there are people who have gone through the same and call them, message them and have a chat about how they made it through. Share your struggles. And for the people who have graduated from these seasons, let’s not forget to be real, honest and helpful. As my dad says “store these experiences up, God will use them to help others who are coming after you”

      6. When Something gets hard you don’t quit, you take a break

Some levels are so hard. You’ve tried and tried, and it just won’t budge. 

You take a break, but you don’t quit. Sometimes we need time away from the situation to come back refreshed and able to conquer. There are many things we encounter in life that we try multiple times to work through and get so tired that we just want to throw in the towel. Pray, go read your word, do something else for a minute, drink that cold or hot drink, watch an episode of friends, call that friend and cry and laugh and get back to it. You can do it!

In other news; I'm currently on level 2717! 

If you play it too, share how far you've gone in the comment section below.